Over a year ago my wonderful children gifted me with my favorite rose bush. Crimson Bouquet Grandiflora Rose (Rosa KORbeteilich)
This picture was taken this morning. I didn't have the heart to pluck off the rose petal that was sticking oddly out the side of the bud. I thought it added to the charm of the photo. We have experienced some terrible storms here lately in Indiana, and I chalk this small amount of damage to one of those storms.
These beautiful ladies arrived before we moved into your new home, I placed them all in individual containers and began their journey with us. The weekend we closed on our new home, they were installed in their new place of honor.
Last summer they handled the heat like pros, a drought that withered many lawns. Then they weathered through the worst winter in 30 years here in Indiana. I have never covered my rose bushes for the winter, I give them a good pruning and mulch. Maybe I should have last year, during the worst of the freeze I was hopeful the house would protect them. Spring arrived, and the center three bushes immediately sprung to life.
Followed by this little one that worried us during most of last year. Her placement is not optimal and I am still debating if I should bring her more out into the planting bed.
It is July and many times for the past month
I was ready to call the rose grower and inform them that one of the girls did not make it through the harsh winter. This morning I was completely delighted to see that the final bush has begun to produce foliage.
One of the reasons I enjoy the Grandiflora roses is for their size, shape and that they can be managed for years as beautiful specimen roses. I'm not a fan of the more modern often considered less work variety of rose bushes that have become a favorite of landscapers and homeowners. I enjoy my time with my roses, trimming away the dead leaves, pruning them into the shape.
Here is a picture of the 5 girls in my front area.
As you can see, they were also chosen for the height they grow, to fill the area without blocking the area. The final one to grow foliage is to the right. This makes me feel that maybe I should pull it out into the sunlight more, along with the one to the far left. My feral cats are very fond of sleeping under this bay window, and I also like to think they enjoy the roses.
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