Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tomato, Pepper and future Salsa!

Today is my brother's birthday (Happy Birthday Mike) and in honor of him I planted the seeds for the Salsa garden.  Tomato, Peppers, Onion, Parsley and Cilantro.  Ole'

In my wandering yesterday I stumbled across a seed starter kit in a very unlikely place for a really great price!  The bonus part is that this happens to be the type I prefer to use, completely biodegradable and made from organic recycled materials. What more could I have asked for?  The price of the seed packets were already 50% off!  WooHoo, happy dance time.

The bottom tray is also of the same composite.  I've never used a completely fiber container.  Very hopeful that it will hold water/moisture as much as the package is claiming.  If not I can always place a plastic tray under it with a few pebbles to keep the moisture levels appropriate for young plants.

I did purchase their brand of starter mix the ingredient list seemed to fit my needs and the price was good as well.  I sometimes giggle at the thought of buying "dirt" when my entire yard has a wonderful layer of the substance.  Unfortunately right now it is covered by snow, and is also very frozen.  Pre-mixed dirt it is for the time being.  On a bright note I was able to get into the compost bin the other day and add the bucket from the house as well as give it a good stir.

I planted two flats of veggies and herbs.  This one is entirely tomatoes.  I chose San Marzano heirlooms said to be the best for sauce) and Beefsteak because we like a good slicing tomato).  The other flat has Roma tomatoes, Cayenne Peppers Jalapeno Peppers, Cilantro, Curly Parsley and Libson Onions (also known as Scallions).  Let me know if I can start some veggies for your garden.

It's time to get those tomato and pepper seeds in the dirt, started inside our warm comfy homes.  Spring will be here before we know it.  Mother's Day is just around the corner, and I want to be ready to plant my garden outdoors.
One Broken Nail Garden and Landscaping is at your service. 
 Accepting clients for the 2014 growing season. 

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